Akiyaz Data Services
Data is the cornerstone of our analytics-driven services, serving as a pivotal resource for clients of all types. By leveraging detailed data analytics, we empower clients to make informed decisions, whether they’re in the search phase for the perfect property, aiming to optimize listings for a swift sale, or seeking to better administer municipal assets. Our platform offers:
- Streamlined search
- Powerful, custom listing tools
- Municipal administrative resources

Akiyaz Brokerage Services
We offer a seamless suite of services including casual property visitations, detailed inspections, and comprehensive documentation, all supported by a network of vetted providers. Tailored to streamline the journey of discovering and acquiring rural properties, our offerings ensure informed decisions and a smooth transition into rural revitalization. This suite of services blends high-tech efficiency with traditional values, making the path to rural rejuvenation clear and accessible for all.
- Casual visitations
- Inspections & documentation
- Vetted providers
Akiya Lifestyle Services
Akiyaz goes beyond mere property acquisition, and offer curated rural experiences that introduce you to social & professional networks. Our holistic approach ensures that securing a property is just the first step towards a transformative journey. By nurturing a connection with the community, you’ll ensure a seamless integration into rural life. After all, you’re not just finding a new home; you’re finding a new version of yourself!
- Curated rural experiences
- Social & professional networks
- Logistics management

You have akiya questions? We've got akiya answers.
Technically speaking, we service the entire spectrum of Japan’s national real estate stock.
However, that doesn’t mean that we’re constantly active across the nation with vacant bowling alleys, vacation homes, or restaurants. Far from it, really.
We usually field requests from people looking for pretty regular houses. Most of them are interested in rural but still accessible regions of Japan. On average, individual clients are looking to spend between ¥8,000,000 and ¥15,000,000.
The Akiya Problem is a complicated one, but it boils down to data governance.
- Potential buyers have a hard time searching through uncleaned akiya datasets.
- Licensed agents have no interest in keeping listings of properties below a certain price range up to date.
- Local governments are untrained in real estate business, marketing, web design, and other skills required to easily make sales.
We take care of this through our custom services geared to address each deployment’s unique characteristics. This feeds deeper networks of data flows, creating pristine models of the action on the ground.
With that, anyone – a buyer, a broker, even a municipal intern – can confidently point at our properties and say, “that’s the one you want.”
Yes. Depending on what your goal is, there are a number of services that may come into play, all of which we have resources to provide you with.
- Judicial scrivener
- Administrative scrivener
- Accountants
- Immigration lawyers
We can work with you to locate ideal providers for your particular circumstances, or you can go it alone and save the up-front cost.
At the end of the day, this comes down to open-mindedness. You can throw a dart at a map or source opinions all you want, but the fact is that you’re unlikely to know where you want to be until you’ve felt it yourself.
We help with the exploration aspect of the akiya acquisition process. To some, this sounds odd, but trust us, follow our lead, and we’ll show you the places that most perfectly align with even your wildest dreams.
Easy: due diligence. Our network of inspectors and evaluators will make sure that your properties are level, asbestos-free, out of hazard zones, and more.